
This operation aims to reduce the bulging of the abdomen (and correct any overhang). In most cases liposuction, and a repair of the frequently found split in the tummy muscles is undertaken, as part of the procedure. It is performed under a general anaesthetic with 2 to 3 days required in hospital. In many cases the navel may need to be repositioned.

  • A Tummy Tuck (otherwise known as Abdominoplasty) is the surgical correction of a large abdomen, usually by the removal of excess fat and skin and tightening up of the underlying muscles. This procedure may be beneficial to both male and female patients. Patients may opt for a Tummy Tuck procedure if:
    • They feel self-conscious, embarrassed or shy about their abdominal appearance
    • Are unable to exercise, play sport or lose weight as a result of abdominal size
    • Have difficulty in buying clothing due to imbalance in body proportions
    • Suffer from rashes below the abdomen
    • Have back discomfort or pain